I know that we have not updated our blog lately, but with an 8 month old it's hard to do keep up with this. Well, a lot had happened since I last blogged. Christianna is over 16 lbs. She was 16.4 one month ago today. She was 24 1/2 inches long. She now has caught up in weight with the two little boys in our church that was born after her. She is not as tall as she is suppose to be, but she is still growing. In Aug, We took Christianna swimming for the first time. She loved the water and all she wanted to do was splash around. Sept. Kevin and I celebrated our 2nd anniversary, we went back to Myrtle Beach. Christianna stayed with Kevin's parents and they met us at Myrtle Beach on Thursday. We took her to the beach for the first time. She didn't like the beach water, but loved the pool. Kevin and I are so glad she is not scared of water, but that can be a bad thing, too. Next year when we go back I bet it will be really hard to get her out of the water. She as started eating baby food. She really likes the sweeter things, like her mommy and daddy! She is starting to sit up by herself. She loves to play and look at bright colorful things. I has been so much fun to watch Christianna learn and grow these past 8 months.
Taken on Christianna's first 4th of July.