Christianna is up to 6ml per hour. She has to gain weight to get more ml of food so right now she is at her limit for her weight. Sunday is the day she lost weight, well, every day since then, she has put on the weight. She is now 910 grams, which is just over 2 lbs. Her humidity is off in her bed. Christianna still has the temperature in her bed, because she still can't keep her temp up.
Starting tomorrow Thursday Feb 19 only the two people that are wearing the bracelets will be aloud to see Christianna. This is due to the raised flu cases. So just Kevin and I are aloud to see her. We are very sorry about this, but this is for Chrisitianna and the other babies in the NICU's well being.
Please pray that Kevin and I stay well to we can be able to see Christiann and that we are able to keep our strength as we go back and forth to the hospital. Thank you for all of the prayers.
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