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Friday, April 17, 2009

2 Month Check up

Kevin and I took Christianna for her two month check up. She now ways 5 pounds and 3.8 oz. We are so excited about it. We can't believe that she has gained 3 pounds since she was born. She has gained almost 11 oz in 10 days. She had to get 3 shots and did not like them one bit, of course, who would like to have them. The doctor said that she looks really good.


  1. I don't blame you Christianna for not liking all those shots. Hope you feel ok from them now,you will be a big girl by time we get to see you again. How long are you now? Praise the Lord!!!!You must of had a good Easter dinner to gain so much.lol

  2. So good to hear the good report!!

  3. Great News!! She's looking bigger and healthier every day it seems :-)

  4. Go Chris GO!!!!!!! So glad to see you are gaining steadily. Everytime I see you I can see the difference. Such a cute little Gal! God is so good!
