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Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The Beginning

I know there are so many of you out there that want to know all of the updates on our little lady, well I thought a blog would help everyone to know. First of all I wanted to say thank you for all of the prayers for Kevin, me and little Christianna.

I wanted to start by telling a little of how this thing came about. This really started Sunday, Jan 25 with a headache, which I thought was just a head cold since Kevin had one of those earlier. Well, that headache came and went all week. On Wednesday night, I started to run a low-grade fever and thought I was coming down with the flu. I didn't go to work on Thursday, because I thought I had the flu. I got a headache that day and it stayed all day long. I called the doctor to get appointment and was able to get on on Friday morning Jan 30. Kevin took me to the doctor office. Once I got to the office, they took my blood pressure and it was 160 over 100 which is really high. The nurse had me to lie down on my left side to see if my blood pressure would go down. The nurse took it again and it was still up. The doctor came in and talked to us about what the high pressure means. The doctor also talked to us about protein in my urine. The doctor was real concerned about both. By now the whole cold/flu thing is out the window. The doctor told us she was sending us to labor and delivery. The doctor sent me to Forsyth by ambulance.

Once we got to Forsyth, the doctors were trying to get my blood pressure down enough so we could wait until I was 32 weeks. So we set around for Saturday and Sunday. On Monday, the doctor was saying they were going to move me out of the labor and delivery room to a room that was more for long stays. Kevin deciced to go to work for a few hours. The doctors took to me to do a sonogram to see if the baby was in distress or not. The doctor said that she was in some distress because she was not getting all of the food she needed to grow, so they decided to induce me. I called Kevin to come to the hospital. They started the process so I could get ready to be induced on Tuesday. On Monday night, my blood pressure sky rocketed and on Tuesday morning they decided to do a C-section because they didn't think it would be wise to try to do a normal birth. They didn't want to put me or the baby through so much stress. So at about 9:30, they got Kevin and I ready to have a baby.

At 11:20 am, Christianna Marie was born. She weighed 2 pounds and was 14 1/4 inches long.

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