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Saturday, July 23, 2011

1 week

I will be 36 weeks tomorrow, which means that Aug 1 is one week away. It's been an interesting past couple of weeks. At 32 weeks I started Non-stress tests (NST) and I have them twice a week. NSTs are where they hook me to monitors and monitor the baby's heart beat. They want to make sure the heart rate increases and decreases like it is suppose to . If it doesn't, the doctors send you to ultrasound to make sure that the baby has enough fluid around it and that the baby is moving. At 33 weeks, they sent me to ultrasound and everything went was fine, the baby was not active enough for the monitors. Then at 34 weeks, they hooked me to monitors and as soon as they did the heart rate dropped to 107. Her normal heart rate is 140s or higher. So the doctors sent me to the hospital to monitor me. The doctors at the hospital keep me over night for monitoring. Her heart rate never dropped that low again, so they think that she rolled over on her umbilical cord and stopped her blood flow. So they released me the next day and told me that everything looks great. Praise the Lord!!!! So it's been a crazy couple of weeks. We are now down to 1 week. I have my last 2 NSTs on Tuesday and Friday, my last OB on Tuesday, my last ultrasound on Friday and my pre-opp for my c-section on Friday. Then the baby will be here Aug 1. YAY! I am still in disbelief that I am actually 35 almost 36 weeks, after everything with Christianna. God has been so gracious, through this pregnancy to allow me to carry this baby this far.

1 comment:

  1. Well this is news I never knew of course. Praise God everything turned out good, guess she wanted to get early attention. So happy for you all.
