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Sunday, February 22, 2009

Gaining weight!

On Saturday, Christianna weighed 2 lbs 1.9 oz and today she weighed 2 lbs 2 oz.


  1. So good to see these pics!!!!Doing good girl.
    mama w.

  2. She looks so cute in these pictures, and I am very glad she is gaining. I am soooo ready for good news and thoughts.

  3. she looks so cute. matthew said in the second picture she looks like she trying to be cool. LOL Daddy said she pretty and trying to talk but just don't how to say it. love Granny and Paw S and Uncle Matt

  4. Papa said good looking little girl and happy you are doing good .Looking forward to seeing you soon. Praying for You, Mommy and Daddy.
    Papa Walton

  5. Great news! Happy to hear she is gaining. Looks darling in the pink. Little eyes wide open.

  6. Looks like she has grown since seeing her on Wednesday. She is such a doll baby in her pink clothes.I think about her daily more than once.
