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Friday, February 6, 2009

Changing her bed covering

Chris is doing really good. They changed her feeding from .5ml to 1ml and she is doing well with those. Last night I went down to see my little girl. While I was down there, the respiratory therapist was having to clean out her nose and she was not liking that at all. She started to cry and that torn my heart out knowing that I couldn't do anything for her. I know that she is in good hands here and she is in hands that care about her so much more then I or Kevin and imagine, Our Heavenly Father. Then late last night Kevin decided to go down and see Chris and while down there the nurse was changing her bed coverings. So Kevin got to hold Chris up so the nurse could change the coverings. He said he was a little nervous about holding her up. Just a quick prayer request I am having trouble with my blood pressure. They have had to change my meds just this morning to try to get it down. So just pray that that this med will do the trick. Thanks for the thoughts and prayers it means a lot.

1 comment:

  1. I hope your blood pressure goes back down!! We want you up and at 'em!
